!!!###!!!title=Basic Scatter Chart——VisActor/VChart demo!!!###!!!!!!###!!!description=A basic scatter chart is a chart used to display the relationship between two variables. It usually consists of two axes, each representing a variable. Each data point in the chart is represented as a dot, with its position determined by the values of the two variables. In this example, the inverse relationship between MilesPerGallon and Horsepower is displayed. > Data from observablehq.com!!!###!!!

Basic Scatter Chart


A basic scatter chart is a chart used to display the relationship between two variables. It usually consists of two axes, each representing a variable. Each data point in the chart is represented as a dot, with its position determined by the values of the two variables.

In this example, the inverse relationship between MilesPerGallon and Horsepower is displayed.

Data from observablehq.com
